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Located on the north-eastern side of Peloponnese, Epidaurus is one of the most renown archaeological sites in Greece. The ancient theater of Epidaurus was constructed in the late 4th century BC to host religious ceremonial events in honor of god Asclepius, whose healing center lies, to this day, a few steps away. This monument stands out as a unique artistic achievement through its admirable integration into the landscape, its unique architectural symmetry, and its exceptional acoustics. Surrounded by lush greenery with a magnificent view to the valley below, it is the most mystifying ambiance to enjoy live performances of ancient Greek drama or musical concerts, during the summer, when the festival of Epidaurus takes place, with visitors from around the world swarming the theater every year.
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180o South Seaside Hotel
21051 Ermioni, Greece, P.O Box 47428
T. +30 698 1954703 M. +30 6944 337572
E. info@180seasidehotel.com

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